19th February 2019

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

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Ulster Tatler | Our 10th Anniversary

5th January 2019

In November we celebrated our 10th Anniversary with our annual Christmas event and lots of added extras. Friends, family and clients alike were treated to an evening of...

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Ulster Tatler | Boosting Couples Fertility

21st March 2018

Boosting Couple's Fertility with Arvigo Maya Massage. This month Judith discusses how Arvigo Maya Massage can benefit both you and your partner on the road to parenthood.

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New Year… New Skin!!

31st January 2019

What are your New Year resolutions? We all want to feel happier and healthier but this year add glowing skin to your ambitions too. Make 2019 your best skin care yet! 💛 Enter:...

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