4th January 2018

Maintaining a youthful complexion is something we can only dream off, when our skin falls victim to the harsh elements of weather, bad nutrition and dehydration. We are delighted to offer Diamond Microdermabrasion in Skin Medi Spa.  The good news is, this state of the art skin treatment is suitable for many skin types and the benefits are priceless.

Microdermabrasion is unique and a great addition to any facial, removing dead skin cells from the first layer of the skin which is then removed away from the skin.  If you want to see results fast, Microdermabrasion is an immediately effective treatment, boosting collagen and plumping your skin to get rid of all those fine lines!

When asked is this treatment painful, no! Diamond microdermabrasion feels no different to any other exfoliation treatment you would have performed at home. I have had many different skin types book this skin jewel from ladies suffering with acne, skin pigmentation, scaring and of course a real bug bearer for all of us ladies, black head and white heads (tip- Microdermabrasion is amazing for blackhead and white head removal!)

Don’t be fooled ladies this is not a treatment that will take half your day away, with our express service you can book Diamond Micro Dermabrasion Express for just £45 this will get you 30 minutes on your way to skin heaven!

The recommendation for flawless skin is an express treatment four weeks apart followed by a full Diamond Microdermabrasion treatment every six weeks to maintain a smooth skinned you!  I am lucky to have the pleasure of working with such effective treatments and reviewed by many of Skin Medi Spa clients, this is one of the best treatments you can have for skin resurfacing.

For a consultation chat to us today.


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