1st December 2018

This month Judith talks all about the best treatments and natural ways to rejuvenate and promote a healthy glow to your skin.

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New Year… New Skin!!

31st January 2019

What are your New Year resolutions? We all want to feel happier and healthier but this year add glowing skin to your ambitions too. Make 2019 your best skin care yet! 💛 Enter:...

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Waxing is not just for the bikini season

20th December 2017

For many people, the end of summer means the end of sitting at the poolside and beach vacations. It also means the end of bikini waxing for other...

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Spa Treatments During Pregnancy

2nd March 2018

Between an achy back, fatigue, swelling and bloating, the human feels the effects of pregnancy most often in unexpected ways. And as such, the body of a pregnant...

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